Southern Riverina News

Overseas trainees welcomed to Finley

Anne Freestone

Finley Regional Care management and staff conducted a welcoming ceremony and morning tea last Wednesday for the group of 15 trainees who arrived from the Philippines as part of the Groworx program.

Groworx is an organisation committed to providing healthcare workers globally.

Finley Regional Care has undertaken a training agreement with the Philippines government to train this group of workers in the Philippines to the Australian aged care standards and qualifications.

The trainees will complete their qualification, work placement and additional on-the-job training here in Finley over the next six months.

Finley Regional Care will then assist each worker to transition to a working visa at the end of this period.

FRC CEO Ben Levesque, together with several members of the board, welcomed the trainees and proceeded to cut a ribbon at the entrance to symbolise the beginning of their time at the facility.

Ben went on to congratulate complete care/ operations manager Kylie Titlow for the time and effort she contributed to bringing the group to this final stage of their training.


President of Murray Hut CWA, Nola Pinnuck, welcomed Her Excellency Margaret Beazley, Governor of NSW to Finley last Thursday.

The Governor and her husband, Dennis Wilson, were touring the region with visits to Corowa, Tocumwal, Finley and Deniliquin.

As Patron of CWA of NSW, Her Excellency was particularly interested in meeting with members of Murray Hut (combined Finley/ Tocumwal), Jerilderie and Berrigan branches and discussing the important role the ladies play in regional areas, touching on domestic violence and youth crime among other subjects.

Her Excellency moved freely amongst the group and kept the meeting on a friendly, casual basis.

The event concluded with afternoon tea before the Governor continued on to Deniliquin.

In Deniliquin the Governor attended a South West Music concert series launch on Friday evening, where she was entertained by Finley’s very own Hailey McLean.


Just a reminder that Jenny Tarrant will be holding a street stall today with proceeds going to Motor Neurone Disease and would appreciate the community’s support.

Jenny is known for her good cooking so be sure to take the opportunity to check it out.

Anyone who has an interest in tennis, those who have played in the past and are ready to take the sport up again, or even beginners, are most welcome to join the group who get together at the Finley tennis courts at the showgrounds each Tuesday morning at 9am. The only cost is a gold coin donation.

Senior members of the community are especially invited to join in for some mild exercise and social contact.

The group rounds up the morning session with a relaxing cup of coffee.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Jenny McNamara on 5883 1889.


Shabby-to-Chic Op Shop is in urgent need of volunteers and would welcome assistance from anyone interested in becoming involved, even if only for a few hours a week.

Assisting at the Op Shop, which is run under the auspices of Finley Rotary Club, is a great way to meet and make new friends while helping this important fundraising venture.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Francis Burdack on 0412 772 572.


Items for ‘From Finley’ may be submitted by phoning 0428 293 922, emailing anne. or left at the Southern Riverina News office.

Please include a contact name and phone number.





McPherson Media