Spread the Christmas cheer in Berrigan
Marianne Whelan
This Friday is the Berrigan and District Development Association’s Christmas Market Night and Christmas Carols.
The main street will be closed at 5pm and entertainment will start at 5.30pm.
There will be so much to do and see including the Red Cross Fashion Extravaganza, a special visit from Santa, market and food stalls, spinning wheels, face painting and local shops offering late trading.
There will be so much for the whole family and this is always a great night.
A farewell luncheon will be held for Lorraine
Robertson at the Community Club from noon on Sunday, December 10.
The luncheon will be held to recognise Lorraine’s contribution to our local health community through her work at the Medical Centre.
Cost of the luncheon is $25 per head. RSVPs by this Friday. Any donations for a parting gift are most welcome and can be left at the Berrigan Pharmacy. •••
Wednesday, December 13 is Christmas lights and decorations judging. It is great to see so many houses getting ready for the festive season.
On Saturday, December 16 the Berrigan Lions Club and Dawmac will be hosting the free community breakfast from 7.30am to 9am at the Men’s Shed. This is always a great catch up before Christmas. All welcome.
Saturday, December 9 will be a golf Christmas party and all levels of golfers are welcome to come and play a fun game of ambrose, with lots of prizes and Christmas cheer.
The club encourages all new golfers or anyone wanting a social hit, including junior players. Tee off will be at 2pm.
This Sunday is the golf presentation night starting at 6pm; please indicate to the bar staff if you are attending to help with catering numbers.
Finley High School’s presentation night will be held on Thursday, December 14.
The P&C committee has a major raffle and tickets can be purchased at Finley High School, Jerilderie Newsagency, Finley Country Club or on the online payment portal (schoolbytes. education).
First prize is a $1000 Deniliquin Helloworld travel voucher, second prize is an IGA $600 voucher and third is a Yeti Pack from Cobram Outdoors valued at $250.
The Berrigan Cricket Club will have their Christmas party on Sunday, December 17 at the Berrigan Community Club.
There will be lawn foot bowls, raffles and a barbecue starting at 11am. All welcome.
McPherson Media