Southern Riverina News

With God there’s no battle you can’t win

~ Contributed by J Robertson.

“Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.” (Psalm 144:1 -2 NIV).

What battles are you fighting in your life?

Temptation? Anxiety? Fear? Depression? Financial battles? Health battles? Work or relationship battles?

The verses are from a psalm written by King David. Here he praises the Lord: ‘my Rock’, ‘fortress’, ‘stronghold’, ‘deliverer’, ‘my shield in whom I take refuge’.

David recognises God’s power and strength to deliver him from every battle he faces.

When we are in a relationship with God, he partners with us and helps us deal with every situation.

Thankfully God is the greatest strategist of all time.

With God there’s no battle you can’t win. Whether the battle is internal or external, God has all the answers.

Whatever battles you are fighting today, spend time with Jesus praising Him for who He is, calling on Him for help and trusting Him to deliver you.





McPherson Media